[Whistleblowing LegalTech Solution]


WhistleBot is an AI-powered chatbot that allows your organization to rapidly provide an internal online channel to receive and follow up on complaints and irregularities (anonymous or not) - being in full compliance with the new European Whistleblowing Law taking effect on June 18th.

Visor.ai delivers the technology and RSA Law Firm delivers the needed legal services.

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Did you know that from June 18, all companies with more than 50 employees are required to have a solution for reporting complaints?

The new Whistleblowing Law - Law 93/2021 that transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 - aims to protect whistleblowers when reporting incidents within the scope of their professional activity.

To facilitate the process and ensure that your organization is in compliance, RSA Law Firm and Visor.ai have teamed up to create a complete and secure solution.

What does this solution consist of?
WhistleBot is an AI-powered chatbot that allows your organization to rapidly provide an internal online channel to receive and follow up on complaints and irregularities. Legal advice and support from RSA can then ensure their proper treatment.

Based on the protocol signed between Visor.ai and RSA, your organization will have access to a LegalTech solution capable of supporting you and your teams in this new reality.

Protect your employees and be 100% compliant with the new legislation. To learn more and ask for a quote, please fill up the form.

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